I Found Some Shells in My Pocket

Metric. The Tragically Hip. Broken Social Scene. Bob Marley. Artists in my head that remind me sweetly of home.

I think of Hornby Island when I hear Metric, and the eternal summer evenings on the beach. Bob brings me back to road trips and the dark of night.

Today, there was a fast flood of rain in Melbourne- and a fast flood of feelings about Home. Home is anywhere it rains.

Travelling really opens a new door into my essence- into my self. This is me- fully completely. (Yes, I just referenced a Tragically Hip song right there- zinnggg)

The other day I put on some bright, patterned shorts of summer and stuck my hands in the pockets.

Two tiny white shells brushed my fingers. I didn’t realize that I had put these little pieces of home in my pocket whilst on the beach near my house a few weeks ago- planning on making another pair of shell earrings most likely.

Two little shells that sit on my desk as I write. That sit on my desk as I study. As I leave and explore the colours of the city- meeting people and places sweetly, madly, widly.

The image is a painting I did a few months ago. I had painted it on whim- and it became more of a self-portrait than what I originality had intended. It has also become a valuable symbol of my self love journey.

My head is in the clouds. Sweet songs are in my head. But I am so very, very Here. Fully, completely.

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